Exploring the future of higher education and science and secondary vocational education

The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science is commissioning a broad exploration of the future for higher education and science and for secondary vocational education. The outlook looks at developments and trends in the medium term (horizon 2040) that education and research will have to deal with. The purpose of the exploration is to identify policy options that can be used to meet future opportunities and threats. These coherent policy options should lead to one or more system perspectives.
The foresight study is being carried out by a consortium of five parties: KBA Nijmegen, Center for Higher Education Policy Studies (CHEPS), Kohnstamm Institute, ResearchNed and AEF.

The foresight study comprises various phases and components:

The aim of the regional meetings is to ask a broad field of participants what they think will be the impact on education and research of a number of social trends and developments. Organizations active in the field of higher education, research and senior secondary vocational education are invited to the meetings. In addition, through an open registration, target groups such as students, teachers, parents and companies are also offered the opportunity to participate. The regional meetings are held on the same day and location for higher education and MBO. We expect 100-130 participants for higher education and 100-130 participants for mbo, per regional meeting.
After the regional meetings, smaller theme meetings are organized, to which participants are invited. The meetings reflect on possible policy options for various themes. Sixteen themed meetings will be organized in total.
In the final phase of the future exploration, all the knowledge and input gathered is brought together in a synthesis. The developments, impact on education and research and the policy options are brought together in one or more coherent system perspectives. In the synthesis phase, a few smaller meetings are held (expert meetings/round tables) and a major final conference.

The outlook will be concluded in June 2022 with a final report.